Friday, April 3, 2009

Tokyo Street Fighter 4 : TRF Nakano Beginners Tournament 3/25

Originally Posted by Hfz69 on shows many of our local Gaijin players in matches from the TRF Nakano beginners tournament that runs every Wednesday around 7PM JST for 300 yen.  

Japanese players under 20,000 Battlepoints are still quite capable, as you will see.
Nakano TRF Beginner's tourney vids! 
(part 1:特別な外人(gouki)vs Cviper 1:40, beikoku(ken) vs fuerte - must watch lol 9:21)
(part 2: abelity(me) vs ryu (u can skip this one i did bad lol) 10:58, johnnyrotten vs claw(male) 15:40)
(part 3: johnnyrotten vs chun 16:45)
(part 4: johnnyrotten vs ryu 6:55)

Will update with more.

Congratulations go to JohnnyRotten from for his performance in this tournament.  The Gaijin players from Shibuya Sports Land are leveling up and beginning starting down the path of taking on Japan's strongest players.

Great job to all of you guys and good luck at the future TRF Nakano tournaments!


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