Friday, April 24, 2009

Street Fighter 4 Champion Edition Patch

Today marked the release of the Champion Edition patch for Street Fighter IV, and I must say...

Thank god for that.  In my opinion Street Fighter IV had the shittiest netcode of any game I've ever played, mostly concerning actually GETTING a match.  I am talking PS3 version here, maybe 360 is/was better.  I am sure that the reason I started hating SFIV was that every time I booted up the game, and pressed Online Mode I would search for a match for about 10+ minutes before getting into a lobby, and then I might get kicked due to my avatar, custom title or because the guy knows my nickname.  HOW FRUSTRATING!  And then even if you beat the guy, he can still rage quit!  How can I improve if I have to wait 10 minutes between a match, then play a guy with input lag?  I just got frustrated and gave up for the day.

The CE revision changed a lot of that for the better.  I havent yet tried Ranked or Player match out but I would assume that the netcode overall is improved.  So far when I try to connect to a match on CE mode I will get into the lobby without a hitch, and I am seeing WAY MORE green bar connections.  Also there is blind pick so my opponent wont waste time counter picking, and the disconnect rate is RIGHT THERE FOR EVERYONE TO SEE!

One thing they can still improve though is the title theme music.  Hell, I'm gonna take you for a ride was better from MVC2, which is ALSO coming out soon to PSN!  I'll have to show people oldschool Dr Doom and BH/Captain Commando turtle tricks when that comes out.

I'm not really sure how capcom did it, or what they did, but this is a complete 180.  I was honestly thinking of giving up SFIV just because the home version is so terrible, but Capcom has totally redeemed themselves.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Becoming Good at Street Fighter 4 - My Plan

I have a hard time with this game.  It is a lot of turtling and many other things I've posted on SRK about.  I don't like 4 as it stands right now.  The major hurdles being the game system and lack of an interesting character, to me, that can win.  

So I think I need to just play everybody, and figure out what their normals are like... and then I'll probably pick Balrog like everybody else and jab my way to victory!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Tokyo Street Fighter 4 Guide to Joystick Mods

Hey guys, just wanted to post here the answer to a question that gets asked quite a bit on  Well, it's actually a couple of questions the first being "I'm going to Tokyo in 2 weeks to play Street Fighter.  Where can/should I buy a Hori Real Arcade Pro for whatever system" and the second "Where can I buy buttons/replacement joysticks".  I have a couple of easy answers for those questions here.

The best place to buy a brand new HRAP bar none is Bic Camera.  I only have a HRAP3 for PS3 so I am not sure about 360 but I hear its similar price.  It only cost 7,180 yen or about 72 dollars.If you can read Japanese you can sign up for a point card as well that gives a dollar per 10 dollars spent, and with the 7 floors of selection at most Bic Camera locations you will find something you like.  The real trick though is you MUST go to a big Bic Camera to get a HRAP3 or a Hori Real Arcade Pro EX, all you will find at the smaller locations are bad sticks like the Hori Fighting Stick.

Including the nice box, the Sanwa balltop joystick already inside it is a decent stick, but what about upgrading to all Sanwa, how is that possible?  Well, I did it and I am NOT a tech wizard.  SRK has some great guides for that.  I am going to tell you where to get buttons, sticks etc.  The number one place is Mak Japan in Akihabara.  It's on the 5th floor of a building on the main street, leave JR Akihabara Station and cross the street from Taito station.  Walk about 3 blocks, look on the right for "Tenya" which SRK players know the symbol for "Ten" from Akuma's back.  It is across from that restaurant.  If you see a bunch of weird Maid Cafe chicks you've gone a bit far, as they have a "Maid Cafe Casino" around the same area.  Anyway buttons are 210 tax included, Sticks are about 20, and replacement balltops are 210 for regular and 260 for bubble ball.  I purchased 8 Sanwa Buttons and a Bubble Ball for 1,940 so I have THE SAME stick internally now as the TE fightstick and paid about 100$ for it total.

Now, if you're looking for a PS2 or PS1 HRAP you can find it.  XBox never had a HRAP.  You just need to walk around Akihabara in the used stores, sometimes you can find them boxed.  It will run you up to and over 100 bucks though.

The fightstick imho is a ripoff, especially from resellers.  150 bucks is getting into "just buy a custom" territory.  If you're in Japan, grab a HRAP3 or EX, Sanwa Buttons and read Tingboy's modding tutorial! 

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Tokyo Street Fighter. Info

Just a quick informational post that I will be adding a new website to my group it will launch in a few days most likely as I have a lot of things on my plate.

I want to talk about where to play Hyper SFII, Alpha Series, 3S and things of that nature.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Tokyo Street Fighter 4 : TRF Nakano Beginners Tournament 3/25

Originally Posted by Hfz69 on shows many of our local Gaijin players in matches from the TRF Nakano beginners tournament that runs every Wednesday around 7PM JST for 300 yen.  

Japanese players under 20,000 Battlepoints are still quite capable, as you will see.
Nakano TRF Beginner's tourney vids! 
(part 1:特別な外人(gouki)vs Cviper 1:40, beikoku(ken) vs fuerte - must watch lol 9:21)
(part 2: abelity(me) vs ryu (u can skip this one i did bad lol) 10:58, johnnyrotten vs claw(male) 15:40)
(part 3: johnnyrotten vs chun 16:45)
(part 4: johnnyrotten vs ryu 6:55)

Will update with more.

Congratulations go to JohnnyRotten from for his performance in this tournament.  The Gaijin players from Shibuya Sports Land are leveling up and beginning starting down the path of taking on Japan's strongest players.

Great job to all of you guys and good luck at the future TRF Nakano tournaments!